The Money Masters are Enslaving Iceland.

Save the People of Iceland - the Official Petition

We the undersigned support the people of Iceland in their uprising against being bullied into taking on more debt then they can possible handle from the private bank Icesave. Private debt should never be passed on to taxpayers. 

You are an inspiration to the rest of the world: 





Dear fellow Icelanders, please do not sign the petition, it is for people who are not from Iceland to support us.

Iceland may be the first Western democracy to be forced into South-American style debt-slavery. The IMF, in concert with the UK and the Netherlands, has attempted to strongarm the recently impoverished Island of 317,000 into paying over 3.6 billion pounds ($6.3bn) -- $86,000 per Icelandic family -- at 5.5% interest for the next generation. The money is not conventional government debt, but arises from the collapse of a private multi-national bank during the financial crisis.

The issue is so serious that the entire nation will vote on the issue towards the end of February 2010.

On December 30, 2009, after extraordinary diplomatic threats, Iceland's parliament passed narrowly a bill agreeing to pay the onerous terms. Only a few months earlier parliament had agreed to the full amount, but under more reasonable conditions.

The people of Iceland must be internationally supported, so they can feel safe in voting down debt-slavery. If Iceland falls, it won't be long before other countries suffer similar financial extortion.

 ON website: 

# 4,012: 12:23 am PST, Feb 8, Cameron Roy, Ohio
We are all behind you on this. Iceland is the front line in the battle against the criminal bankers trying to collapse the economies of the world. If you can beat these criminals, then surely the U.S. can as well.

# 3,954: 10:05 pm PST, Feb 6, Natalia Jaworska, Poland
Iceland is such a great, brave country! We love you here in Poland! It took small country of so few citizens to tell hook nosed gangsters to take a hike. Never change! Be proud and keep your heads up! You are the World's precious gift of hope and courage. My country and my fellow citizens are being raped and looted now . England and USA shame on you for participating and hosting this international long nosed criminals. JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!

# 3,448: 12:50 pm PST, Jan 26, Margarita Borodina, Russian Federation
My vote for Icelanders. You are not alone.
# 3,446: 12:12 pm PST, Jan 26, Voreinaki Elen, Greece
we know who is the enemy ......fight and the the Iceland people..

# 3,444: 11:48 am PST, Jan 26, Catherine Henderson, United Kingdom
No individual, organisation, or country, was obliged to invest. They freely chose to take this step, speculating on high returns. It is utterly illogical - not to mention immoral - that those who chose to speculate should complain about that risk: would they have shared part or all of their gains with Iceland if matters had turned out differently? As an ordinary British subject, I am ashamed at the disgraceful actions of our government, in attempting to force Iceland to pay for debts for which they have no responsibility.
# 3,443: 11:44 am PST, Jan 26, Linus Rydberg, Sweden
Keep fighting the banksters! we are all behind you.

# 3,442: 11:43 am PST, Jan 26, Tim Soanes, United Kingdom
Stop co-operating with the sick system!

# 3,441: 11:34 am PST, Jan 26, Ulrik Bergsland, Sweden
I believe this is a huge problem, and something should be done to save the Icelandic population.

# 3.423: 9:13 am PST, Jan 26, James Dodwell, United Kingdom
You have my support and that of a lot of people. Fight for your constitutional rights and prove to the rest of the World that nations can be free of this fiat money monster. Read 'The Globalization of Poverty' by Michel Chossudovsky for an account of how they have systematically forced nation after nation under their control through loans.

# 3,401: 5:20 am PST, Jan 26, Galina Gusseva, Belarus
We support Iceland

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. -- Thomas Jefferson

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1 Smįmynd: Vilborg Eggertsdóttir


Vilborg Eggertsdóttir, 25.1.2010 kl. 21:15

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.

Um bloggiš

Amazing Iceland and Icesave

Global politics review. Monetary System Change. NEW Hamiltonian Credit System, before we descend to New Dark Age. USA/GLOBAL HAMILTONIAN CREDIT SYSTEM NOW !


Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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