Fćrsluflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag
27.4.2011 | 12:58
LaRouche: "Don't They know That Bernanke Is Crazy?"
27.4.2011 | 12:57
24.4.2011 | 22:23
Ireland Was Forced by ECB to Take Bailout
22.4.2011 | 20:17
LaRouche: “If You Do Not Push Glass-Steagall Through Now, Through the Congress, There’s No Way You Can Save The U.S.”
Speaking to an international audience at his webcast April 19, leading economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche had an unambiguous message: Push through the Glass-Steagall bill (HR 1489) that's been introduced into the House of Representatives now, or humanity will not survive.
LaRouche structured his opening presentation by identifying two crises mankind faces: first, the ongoing collapse of the bankrupt British imperial financial system, and second, the galactic crisis that is leading to the proliferation of earthquakes, tsunamis, and other severe weather around the globe. But he honed in on the one act that must be accomplished first, in order to deal with both crises, the reenactment of FDR's original Glass-Steagall law.
We include a number of LaRouche's sharpest comments, all from his opening remarks, here. But all readers are urged to go to www.larouchepac.com, and review the event in full.
``The reenactment of Glass-Steagall in the U.S. Congress, just the passage of the bill, even if the President vetoes the bill, passage of that bill, now in the Congress, will set forth a chain-reaction which can save this nation. If you do not push Glass-Steagall through now, through the Congress, there's no way you can save the United States.
More: http://www.larouchepac.com/node/18006
18.4.2011 | 16:14
Thanks for arriving early ! BE ONLINE.
Here is a preview of what to expect on April 19.
The present evidence is, that the ebbs, flows, and qualitative progress of living species on Earth, has been regulated by the processes ruling the galaxy which mankind inhabits. The known succession of those developments according to such metrics as a 62-millions-years pattern of net rise of living species to higher forms of living existence, states a principle of mankinds relationship to that galaxy which we inhabit. Recent evidence indicates that not only is the evolution of living species, including the emergence of mankind, anti-entropic; the behavior of the Crab Nebula as a feature of, rather than merely a phenomenon within the galaxy, has clearly profound, although presently undecided outcomes for mankind.
Nonetheless, so far, the results of the developments within the bounds of the galaxy show that the effect has been an anti-entropic one, leading from the simplest forms of life, to the evolution of the conditions of planet Earth which have brought forth the successively higher orders of not only life on our planet, but the progressively anti-entropic evolution of the Earthly conditions for life, most notably for human life. Such is mankinds destiny, to whatever the outcome this means for our species as such. Such is the pre-destined fate which the human being must follow.
-Lyndon LaRouche, April 2, 2011
If you are a leader in the mass strike process sweeping the globe, you should plan to attend the LaRouche webcast, which will be held in the D.C. area. Otherwise, you can view the webcast live at 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific, on April 19th, right here.
Submit a question: asklarouche@larouchepac.com
Webcast: http://www.larouchepac.com/webcasts/20110419.html11.4.2011 | 14:10
A Letter to the President of Iceland.
Dear President Grímsson,
Yesterday was a great day for democracy.
The Schiller Institute in Denmark, the Danish branch of the political movement led by Lyndon LaRouche, the American economist, and former Democratic presidential candidate, would like to congratulate you for insisting that a referendum be held, so that the people of Iceland could have their voices heard about the Icesave agreement. We are pleased that a referendum was held, and it is no secret that we are also very pleased that the outcome was a resounding NO.
Iceland has held the banner of democracy high, in the face of massive pressure from the financial world, which prefers dictatorship. They, and the politicians who bend under their pressure, would force populations to pay for the mistakes of private banks, without having a say in the matter. Your decision to require a popular referendum is a great help to constitutional forces throughout Europe, and the world, who would defend the general welfare, above the financial interests.
Sincerely,Tom Gillesberg
President of the Schiller Institute in Denmark
+45 35 43 00 33
Ömurleg frammistađa Moody's | |
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Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt 12.4.2011 kl. 08:14 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
8.4.2011 | 14:40
Iceland´s voting influences "faction" fight in London
An article in the Guardian: "Icesave repayment to UK investors splits Iceland voters", by Simon Bowers , Sunday 3 April 2011, shows that the outcome of Saturday´s referendum, and a possible following court decision on Iceland, is a concern also in U.K. Here is the relevant quote:
"Many in Iceland believe a court judgment could ultimately shatter the assumption at the heart of the Icesave settlement - that, under European law, a state must make up for any shortfalls in deposit guarantee funds. A clear legal ruling on this point would be extremely unwelcome internationally as it would throw a spotlight on huge funding shortfalls in depositor guarantee schemes in Britain, the Netherlands and indeed around the world."
The matter centers around the effects of the deregulation of the banks, which blended the speculative activities of what was formerly called the "investment banks", with the retail and payment systems of the "commercial banks". The result became the so called "universal banks", with all their current internal conflicts of interest of handling deposits, while at the same time offering speculative investments, that also could be insured in the same house. The old system where these conflicting activities were kept in separate legal entities, was regulated in the U.S. by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. This Act was finally taken away 1999 and a similar process allowed the "universal banking" in most of the world.
Before, the depositors were only guaranteed if the put their money in the low risk "commercial banks", but after deregulation also deposits put into speculation became guaranteed. It is therefore the deposit insurance funds became much to small, which now threatens to be exposed internationally, if the Icesave issue goes to court, according to The Guardian.
In the Icesave crash, there was no regulation against speculation with the funds coming from the depositors. All the deposits were just reinstated by the governments of Holland and U.K. Now in U.K. there is an understanding, that this policy of guaranteeing depositors no matter of what the money is used for, is impossible if not the taxpayers shoulder it. It is clear that the Glass-Steagall principles must be reinstated, so the guarantees could be limited to only save the banking activities of the old style "commercial banks".
Also in the U.K. there is a strong faction led by the head of Bank of England, Merwyn King, to cut the "casino" away from the state guarantees. He proposes to impose a policy enforcing internal separation of retail and merchant banking--known as "ringfencing" on its banks. This policy is actually unsufficient as it is not the Glass-Steagall total separation into different legal entities. There are, however, a lot of indications that the Independent Commission on Banking will call for Merwyn King´s policy when it issues its preliminary report April 11.
How hot this issue is, can be seen from the brawl about Barclay´s Bank to leave London for New. Some people in the City want their money no matter what, even if it put unbearable burdens on the British people - and on Iceland.
Additional: My comment to the article:
What I see, is that there is a big faction fight in U.K over the Icesave issue. It seems that they are afraid that the implications of the a yes-vote on Iceland, could be disastrous for U.K. We have also picked up some indications of the faction fight, which is very public around the threat of Barclays to move out of London to New York, in reality is linked to the Icesave referendum. In our news slug below, it seems that behind that is the well known policy of Bank of England head Merwyn King to cut the speculation in the banks out of state guarantees.
My own guess is that he is very afraid of a Yes vote, as this would mean that the British deposit guarantee system would have to cover all the depositors in the foreign subsidiaries of the British banks, something that must be enormous compared to the former Icelandic banks.
What I think, is that there are some British factions around Bank of England, that for the survival of U.K., actually want a No-vote in the Icelandic referendum, which could actually be a first step to reinstate fully the Glass.Steagall principles.
Best Wishes, Ulf Sandmark
Dictionary Definition."Faction"
1. a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, organization, or the like: a faction in favor of big business.
2. party strife and intrigue; dissension: an era of faction and treason.
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:59 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
7.4.2011 | 11:16
U.K. government could end up like Iceland
U.K. government could end up like Iceland
April 1, 2011, (EIRNS) - The United Kingdom government could "find itself
in a situation like Iceland," in the not-too-distant future, a
City of London analyst told {EIR} today. With the international
markets even worse-prepared now for crisis than they were before
2008, the United Kingdom could find itself hosting a group of
huge, bankrupt international banks based in the City of London.
There is a good possibility that the U.K. government will
impose a policy enforcing internal separation of retail and
merchant banking--known as "ringfencing" on its banks, the
analyst said. This is being promoted by Bank of England Governor
Mervyn King, and there are a lot of indications that the
Independent Commission on Banking will call for such a policy
when it issues its preliminary report April 11. These measures
would protect customer deposits, small and medium-sized
businesses, and other essential functions, from the disasters of
the 2007-08 credit crisis, and commit the government only to
bailing out these functions.
This is by no means any full scale Glass-Steagall banking
reform, but the whole banking system is so rotten, that even
tentative measures such as ringfencing are causing friction in
the City of London. The big international bankers want absolutely
no changes whatever from the pre-2008 situation, the analyst
said: nothing that would in any way inhibit profits, especially
their personal profits. There is a faction, however, including at
the Bank of England, which wants to get back to "old style"
central banking, akin to what Paul Volcker has been promoting in
the United States.
In the run-up to the Independent Commission's report, there
is a lot of politicking in the City, most notably Barclays
publicly flirting with shifting its headquarters to Wall Street
(New York Mayor Bloomberg gave a press conference March 30
"welcoming" them any time they want to come). The Commission will
make its final report in September. UBS has put out a report
earlier this week, claiming that "Rather than Barclays being too
big, it may well be that the U.K. is too small." UBS made the
point that Barclays balance sheet is about the same size as the
entire U.K. economy, the {Daily Telegraph} reported March
30--bailout would be impossible. Barclays is essentially anyway a
U.S.-capitalized operation, since its marginal profits come from
Barclays Group, the result of its takeover of Lehman Brothers in
London could "hive off" retail banking, which is not large
in comparison to other operations. RBS would be the biggest
concern, but it is already 80% government owned; Lloyds is 45%.
Another factor is the widespread outrage in the population
at the excesses of the banks, and the scale of the bailout, as
drastic cuts are being imposed on every vital social service
across the board. The David Cameron-Nick Clegg coalition
government is making big political mistakes. They are imposing
20% cuts on the police force, which will obviously undermine
police support for the government. The scale of the cuts was
reflected in the huge TUC demonstration in London March 26, which
brought out not only public sector unions, but also constituency
groups from all over Britain, many of them conservative, ie, not
pro-union, but outraged at the deep cuts in social services.
Because of differences between the Tories and the Lib Dems over
pet programs, the agreement has been to impose across-the-board
cuts, to avoid a battle that could bring down the government.
6.4.2011 | 13:56
Letter to FSCS UK, from Iceland.
Dear Sirs.
I am a Citizen of Iceland, and want to ask you some questions.
1. Have the depositors of Icesave accounts of Landsbanki been fully compensated as per EEA Top-Ups ?
"An investment services firm established in another EEA state will be a member of that state's compensation scheme, which will protect customers of that investment services firm in that EEA country, and those dealing with branches of that investment services firm in other EEA countries".
Birgir Runar Saemundsson
Astjorn 9
800 Selfoss
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