Fćrsluflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag
26.3.2011 | 10:59
Economist John Hoefle explains LaRouche's updated triple curve. This is how to understand the nature of the present economic breakdown.
25.3.2011 | 22:39
Rosa Luxemburg and LaRouche's Triple Curve
The origins of LaRouche's famous triple curve go back to his 1970's study of the work of Rosa Luxemburg. This non-academic approach to econ is crucial to understanding the current breakdown crisis.
16.3.2011 | 19:22
Af hverju NEI viđ Icesave 1. hluti
Hvers vegna ALLIR segja nei viđ Icesave ruglinu 9. Apríl
Ragnar Ţór Ingólfsson, Kristbjörg Ţórisdóttir, Ţór Saari, Helga Ţórđardóttir, Sveinn Tryggvason, Unnur Brá Konráđsdóttir, Sigurđur Hannesson, Sigurdís Birna Pétursdóttir og Baldvin Björgvinsson segja hvers vegna ţau munu segja NEI 9. apríl 2011.
16.3.2011 | 17:16
UNSC: Libya No-Fly Zone, NOW !
We have only a few hours left before the Security Council makes its decision. The more people join this campaign, the more powerful our call will be. Please help spread the word -- forward this link to friends and family, and post it on Facebook, and all over.
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:20 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
16.3.2011 | 08:09
LaRouchePAC Interview with John Hoefle the Inter Alpha Banks, part 2 of 2 3 12 2011
Part two of a two part interview on the British Empire's juggernaut known as the Inter-Alpha group of banks. It hasn't just been 40 years of poor policy decisions, as cataloged in the FCIC report, which has brought us to the point of collapse; it has been the intentional policy of the British Monetary Empire to undermine the sovereignty of all nations, the U.S.A. in particular.
14.3.2011 | 23:30
Dialogue With LaRouche – The Science Behind Glass Steagall
On Thursday, February 10, as extraordinary events were unfolding in Egypt, the American economist and statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche addressed a private gathering of approximately 75 individuals who were gathered in New York City.
The gathering included international representatives from Russia, China, India, Egypt, and Ireland. They were joined by a large group of leading American economists from California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, most of whom comprise what has been referred to as the greater Stanford Group.
Joining Mr. LaRouche was Sky Shields, the leader of his organization's science group (euphemistically referred to here as the Basement). The event was moderated by Mr. LaRouche's National Spokeswoman Debra Freeman.]
We begin with Mr. LaRouches opening remarks following Freemans introduction.
LAROUCHE: Okay. I should say, first of all, I have an associate of mine with me here in the studio, Sky Shields, who is the leader of the science group for our organization, because I thought perhaps that some of the international people, as well as others, would like to hear his response, when questions which might be directed to him, come up. So, he's here in the studio, and he's watching me I suppose I need watching, or at least some people think so. So, that's it.
Now, I think the topic we ought to consider is this, is we are now, actually, with the rate of hyperinflation inside the United States, and also in Europe, in particular, and in Brazil, also, we have a generally, in the trans-Atlantic region, we're dominated by a rising rate of hyperinflation. There is no sign of any recovery, of the U.S. economy, in sight for the years ahead, as of now. And my view, is, as long as this current President remains President of the United States, there's no chance for the United States to recover, and also for Europe, because if the United States goes down, then, knowing the situation in the British system and other systems, Europe will not survive a collapse of the U.S. economy. We are now actually in a hyperinflation.
There are remedies. But they are remedies which must be chosen. And that's the situation.
MORE: http://www.larouchepac.com/node/17609
Lyndon Larouche's March 10,2011 Webcast Ireland and America p.1
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:32 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
13.3.2011 | 14:36
11.3.2011 | 12:12
From what I've seen Iceland was basically turned from a productive economy into an offshore speculative playground by the British Empire, which looted it and now demand that it surrender its sovereignty to the IMF in return for loans. Loans from the IMF are a trap, which generally works this way: The IMF gives a nation a loan, but the money actually goes to the international banks to which the nation owes money. In reality, the banks get the money and the nations get the debt. Under IMF conditionalities, the nation is unable to pay back that debt--this is often done by forcing the nation to devalue its currency, and since the debt is denominated in dollars or some other foreign currency, the devaluations mean that a larger percentage of the nation's GDP must go to debt service. When the nation is unable to meet its payments, the IMF will make it another loan, with further conditionalities applied, resulting in a greater debt than ever before. Pretty soon, the nation is a debt slave to the international banks.
This process has played out repeatedly in Ibero-America, where nations have paid bank far more than they initially borrowed, yet owe more than ever. This the Venetian method, using financial warfare to bankrupt a nation, lending it money under the guise of helping, and then using more financial warfare to bankrupt it again, until the debt burden becomes so great that it cannot escape. What we here in the States call "loan-sharking" is based upon that concept.
The IMF is not your friend, it is the enforcer for the Venetian debt-slavery system. If you let it in, it will eat you alive.
We believe that the collapse is on, and that it will hit far faster than people imagine. That is part of the reason people are so opposed to the Obama health-care plan--the man who is supposed to be helping them is instead proposing to kill them, while protecting the international banks. The good news is that a political revolt has started, with Congressmen getting verbally battered in their districts on the health-plan issue, so much so that they and the President are basically going into hiding. A sea-change is occurring,now
Horfiđ á Gunnar Tómasson á : http://www.inntv.is/
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 12:16 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
6.3.2011 | 23:23
Interview with John Hoefle the Inter-Alpha Banks, part 1 of 2
Part one of a two part interview on the British Empire's juggernaut known as the Inter-Alpha group of banks. It hasn't just been 40 years of poor policy decisions, as cataloged in the FCIC report, which has brought us to the point of collapse; it has been the intentional policy of the British Monetary Empire to undermine the sovereignty of all nations, the U.S.A. in particular. The Inter-Alpha group has been one of the weaponsin this ongoing war.
More on: http://www.larouchepac.com/
17.2.2011 | 13:03
Ann Pettifor and Lee C Buchheit - Europe's Sovereign Debt Crisis
Europe's Sovereign Debt Crisis
14 Jun 2010
About the Event:
Governments across Europe are responding to market concerns over their public debt levels by implementing harsh austerity programmes and formulating unprecedented joint policy actions.
At this seminar, jointly organised by the IIEA and the Law Society of Ireland's EU & International Affairs Committee, an expert panel evaluated the politico-economic context of the current crisis, its implications for the Euro and the EU, and its potential impact on the global economy.
Dietmar Hornung delivered an outlook on European sovereigns which argued that profound and sustained austerity measures were crucial to exiting the current crisis.
Ann Pettifor, deploying Keynesian economic arguments, countered Mr Hornung's perspective, insisting that it was futile to try to bring down debt levels without first investing to ensure economic growth.
Lee C. Buchheit, focusing on Greece, explored scenarios that would demand a "Plan B" and shared his thoughts on what such a plan might entail.
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