Haiti, Like Africa, Is Part of a Fourth World That London Is Driving to Extinction

March 2, 2010 (LPAC)—The hypocritical sophists at the London Economist have discovered that the 7.0-magnitude Haitian earthquake on Jan. 12 had far more deadly consequences than this weekend's 8.8-magnitude quake in Chile, because Chile has been able to "invest in transport and health infrastructure that far surpasses Haiti's," which is "the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere."

How quaint.

And what about the decades of British free trade, globalization, and drug-promoting policies which have brought Haiti to the edge of extinction, with over 80% of the population living under the poverty line, and levels of unemployment that over the last decade have ranged from a low of 50% to a high of 70%—or more? What about President Obama's intentional abandonment of hundreds of thousands of Haitians to likely death from hunger and disease, on British policy instruction?

A summary review of basic physical economic parameters in Haiti during the mid-2000s, demonstrates that British economic policies have left Haiti much more like a devastated Sub-Saharan African country, than the "merely" impoverished nations of Ibero-America. For example:

* Life expectancy: in Haiti it's 52 years; in Sub-Saharan Africa it is 46 years, in Ibero-America 71.

* Access to sanitation: available to only 34% of Haitians, 36% of Africans, and 74% of Ibero-Americans.

* Electricity: available to 34% of Haitians, 25% of Africans, and 87% of Ibero-Americans.

* Clean water: 71% of Haitians, 58% of Africans, and 89% of Ibero-Americans.

In many categories, Haiti is worse off than the average for Sub-Saharan Africa. For example:

* Energy consumption: Haiti consumes 251 kg of oil equivalent per capita annually; Sub-Saharan Africa 667; Ibero-America 1,156.

* Cereal yields: In Haiti they are 868 grams per hectare—i.e., less than one kg/ha; Africa is 1,071, and Ibero-America 3,012. Small wonder that Haiti imports about two-thirds of its food, and has rampant, widespread malnutrition.

It is this ongoing process of British-designed genocide, aggravated by the Obama Administration's intentional refusal to provide necessary emergency succor to Haiti to deal with the aftermath of the earthquake, that Lyndon LaRouche has demanded be reversed, immediately—beginning with the removal of Obama from the U.S. Presidency, either by impeachment or resignation.

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Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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