The Senile British lion: Evil, Wicked and Stupid!

The small krait snake is probably among the weakest, most poisonous, and most stupid snakes in the world. However, there is less power to rule in that creature’s poison, than in the people’s fear of his suspected presence. Poisonous old, and half-brain-dead empires, like today’s British empire, are dangerous in that same way.

No probably successful strategic approach to correcting the presently onrushing general, planetary economic-breakdown-crisis, will exist, until we have defined the relevant form of application of a “Glass-Steagall” solution for the present type of world breakdown-crisis. If civilization is to continue to exist for the near future’s decades, even during the few months immediately ahead, all monetarists’ standards proposed for addressing the presently onrushing near term’s general monetary, breakdown-crisis, of the planet as a whole, must now be cancelled.

Perhaps, some readers’ standard objection to my own approach, will be words to the effect, that “the world is not ready to consider such a radical approach as that you suggest!” (The fear of the krait again!) I mean the approach of an FDR-style, “Glass-Steagall” standard, which wipes out such pest-holes of usury as Wall and Threadneedle streets, and that quickly, mercifully, and permanently! If that is not done, any real civilization is now almost assuredly gone, for a span of some generations still to come.

I say to the circles of London’s Inter-Alpha Group, and also to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: “You! I mean you! Proceed, instantly, back to proverbial square one! You and the London-centered crew’s financial assets have flunked the test again! Meet my preconditions, and do it now, or embrace the doom of your nations for generations yet to come. You do, after all, have a certain freedom of choice, of sorts.”

At this moment, the European Union is already doomed to disintegrate early, rapidly, and, perhaps, perpetually, unless that strict “Glass-Steagall” model is quickly and widely applied.

I do not exaggerate in the slightest degree, when I state, that those relevant officials who refuse my stipulated measures, are acting in a way which suggests that they have been driven insane by either their own greed, or their fear of that greed which has been expressed among the presently highest ranking circles such as those which have been lately typical of the majority of the Democrats in the U.S. Congress. Those have been the circles which say to me, with a fierce glint in their eye: “All my friends agree with me, not with you!” Or, perhaps these gentlemen intend, soon, to take the position: “I would rather blow my brains out, than accept your offer to save my life! I stick to my rules!” I can understand that attitude, although I could not condone it.

I call the following illustration to your attention.

At Leuthen in 1757, the commander Frederick the Great did not play by the rules of the game used by his Austrian adversaries, which is why Frederick won that battle. Shrewd Friedrich did not hesitate to break such rules when victory demanded it. The Austrians, nonetheless, advanced in steadily silly fashion, all by well-trained, existing rules, but then left, hastily, in a rout, twice, deliciously, all on the same day.1

Similarly, by any truly sane standard, the Inter-Alpha Group’s claimed financial assets are, momentarily, the largely fictitious products of the fantasies of wild-eyed usurers, the Bank Santander most notably. That group clings to its implicitly hyper-inflationary, essentially predatory, and implicitly soon doomed “carry trade” assets, like a drowning man clinging to the anchor of his sinking, virtual Titanic. If Inter-Alpha clings to its Brazil “carry trade” assets, it is the weight borne by its essentially imaginary nominal assets, which would tend to send it down in something quite similar to the fashion of Weimar Germany in 1923.

In the last analysis, the case of your financial swindlers has really nothing to do with real economics, but only your own greed of the legendary usurer. “Yes, that fellow over there, has just said it again:” it is not the economy he wishes to save; it is the idea of some imperial power that he fears he would lose if he could not force, not only Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain (the PIGS), but the whole bloody world, to starve and bleed to death, simply to make the poor and hungry of the world die at his imperial command! Swindler! Those are not your assets; they are only the sound and smell of your colossal frauds, the proceeds which Onan . . . holds in his . . . hand: what he, only . . . imagines . . . to hold, in his . . . hand.

Is it for that sordid tribute, that you would destroy your entire kind?

Think of it. Are you not insane? Are you not, perhaps, evil, wicked, and stupid, all at once: a remarkable coincidence! A remarkable, coincidence?



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Global politics review. Monetary System Change. NEW Hamiltonian Credit System, before we descend to New Dark Age. USA/GLOBAL HAMILTONIAN CREDIT SYSTEM NOW !


Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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