21.6.2010 | 13:30
Puppet Obama Bows to Phony Tony Blair-Bibi Deal on Gaza
June 21, 2010 (LPAC)President Obama will dance to Tony Blair's tune on July 6, when he meets Bibi Netanyahu in the Oval Office to bless the so-called easing of the blockade of Gaza that was negotiated by Blair in Israel on June 18. Netanyahu came out of a meeting of his security cabinet on June 20 to announce: "Israel seeks to keep out of Gaza weapons and material that Hamas uses to prepare and carry out terror and rocket attacks toward Israel and its civilians.... All other goods will be allowed into Gaza," reported Ha'aretz.
But there is no date for the publication of this "narrow" list of prohibited items, until which time the official blockade of all goods continues. And on the same day as Bibi's lying announcement, the government of Germany denounced Israel's denial of entry into Gaza of Dirk Niebel, the German Minister of Economic Cooperation And Development.
The White House, however, immediately kissed the asses of Blair and Netanyahu, in a statement that praised the "easing" of the blockade and threatened those who are organizing delivery of aid to Gaza. The White House ordered, "all those wishing to deliver goods to do so through established [Netanyahu and IDF] channels so that their cargo can be inspected and transferred via land crossings into Gaza." The White House warned these humanitarian aid sources to "act responsibly" and avoid "unecessary confrontations." Obama is still defending the Israeli murders of May 31 in the attack on the Gaza aid flotilla, and the Israeli press is gloating over Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs' Sunday statement that the U.S. supports "Israel's right to self-defense," and that the U.S. is committed to continue to "prevent the illicit trafficking of arms and ammunition into Gaza." Blair himself virtually announced that Israel would carry out more murders like the attack on the Mavi Marmara, in saying that all goods sent by sea to Gaza would be diverted, by force, to the Israeli port of Ashdod. Netanyahu asserted, as always, that any material could be dubbed "dual use" and banned.
The elected Hamas government in Gaza called the so-called policy change "a joke," and neighboring Jordan, which has diplomatic relations with Israel, said the move is only a "cosmetic" measure.
The British and Obama are the only allies that the fascist Netanyahu government has to give cover for its perpetual war policy. Inside Israel, there is a move afoot to dump Bibi and his right-wing fanatics. Israeli sources report that the failed Kadima no-confidence vote against Netanyahu in the Knesset earlier this month was not an isolated event. Rather, it is the opening shot of a drivewhich includes some elements of the Likud and the military establishmentto dump the Likud-led coalition and install a Kadima government that would both be free of the radical right-wing and settler parties, as well as the religious parties. No Israeli government coalition that includes the religious parties is capable of a peace agreement with the Palestinians, these Israeli sources conclude.
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