Once again, as during the two Harold Wilson governments of 1964-70 and 1974-76, Britain is again burning down its own house for the purpose of providing an example to be imitated by its neighbors. Then, it was Wilson's Schumpeterian "creative destruction" of the British economy, which was designed to be imitated here, as it was, first by Richard Nixon, and then much more disastrously, by the Trilateral-controlled Jimmy Carter. Now, it is the communitarian fascism, also called "distributism," of the early 20th-Century Englishmen G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, mothered into Prime Minister Cameron's new Tory government by the imperial Fabian Society, by way of young talking head Phillip Blond.
Her Majesty's government has just launched its plan for implementing 'Fascism with a Democratic Face' throughout Great Britain. But beware: it is also coming to the United States. British Prime Minister David Cameron announced this as his "Big Society" policy at a conference in Liverpool, where he declared, "The Big Society is about liberation the biggest, most dramatic redistribution of power from elites in Whitehall to the man in the street." Behind this rhetoric Cameron outlined a plan for local control, on the communitarian fascist model, of local services which have hitherto been controlled by local, city and national governments, including schools, fire departments, transportation, museums, etc.
While Cameron denied that his plan was aimed at cutting services, few believe him. Dave Prentis, the General Secretary of Unison, which represents public sector workers, told the Guardian, "Make no mistake, this plan is all about saving money, and it will cost even more jobs and lead to more service cuts. The government is simply washing its hands of providing decent public services and using volunteers as a cut price alternative."
Cameron said he has chosen four communities as "vanguard" areas, all of which are communities within larger urban centers. They include the Eden Valley in Cumbria, the London borough of Sutton and Cheam, the Berkshire council of Windsor and Maidenhead, and the city of Liverpool. Except for the last, most of these communities are relatively affluent, and already Sutton and Cheam is bidding to take over the local Fire Department, which is part of the London Fire Department. The Big Society program is to be financed by the Big Society Bank, which will be funded by stealing bank accounts that have been dormant for over 15 years.
All this stems from the fertile mouth of Phillip Blond, who was picked up by the imperial Fabian Society's "Demos" think-tank in about 2008, from Cumbria University where he was a theology lecturer. The Fabians detailed Blond to cook up an ideology for an incoming Conservative (Tory) government in their "Progressive Conservatism Project." In just the same way, it was through Demos that the Fabians had earlier concocted the synthetic belief-structure for Tony Blair's "New Labor." After his transformation from an obscure lecturer, the Fabian Society's New Statesman magazine heralded Blond as "the Conservatives' philosopher-king." More recently, as the Tories came to power, Blond split from Demos and formed his own think-tank ResPublica.
To quote the April 24, 2009, EIR article, "What is Their Secret?":
What is the future to which Blond and the Fabians would bring us through the brainwashed Tories? It is a return to the bliss of the Dark Ages, before it was destroyed by the Renaissance and the modern nation-state, represented by "secular monarchs. From the 14th Century on, they asserted their power and corrupted a pre-existing highly plural and reciprocal community with demands for top-down allegiance, authority and control," Blond wrote in a widely published September 2008 article, "Medieval Thinking," "Updating and recovering this earlier medieval model for the modern age is of course the task." Of course.
We will all become property-owners, Blond promises, as joint owners of community investment trusts, which will create local cooperatives and "indeed guilds, around which people can invest." Britain should hand its local post offices over to these local trusts, Blond writes. It seems the nation-state will wither away, as for Karl Marx. Will the local witch-doctor replace the National Health Service? Blond never quite gets to the answer.
All this medieval mummery is part of the ideology of especially Mussolini's Fascist movement, as is well-known to the historically literate. But it doesn't come from Mussolini. Blond openly declares that his models are John Ruskin and the British "Catholic" fascists G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc,for which, indeed, Blond has been sharply criticized by some in Britain. The so-called Catholics, Chesterton and Belloc, were indeed Mussolini supporters and fervent anti-Semites. But they were not imitators of Mussolini, as Lyndon LaRouche has pointed out. Rather, Mussolini's British sponsors fashioned him in imitation of the British Fabian-Society authors of fascism, such as Chesterton and Belloc. And Phillip Blond.
And what of that recently born-again Catholic Tony Blair?
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