Queen Elizabeth Is Cheap

According to documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act from the U.K. government, the Independent reported on Saturday, that in 2004, courtiers at Buckingham Palace on orders from Queen Elizabeth II, tried to obtain £1 million from the £60 million fund set aside to pay home heating expenses for subjects with "low income." Courtiers were eventually told that the £60 million worth of energy saving grants were aimed at families on low incomes, and, if the money were given to Buckingingham Palace, it could lead to "adverse publicity" for the Queen and the government.

The Royal Household also complained that the £15 million given to maintain the Queen's palaces, was inadequate.

In search of penny-pinching schemes, the Queen's Deputy Treasurer also wrote to the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport, to ask whether the Royal Household would be eligible for a grant to replace four combined heat and power units at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle.

Taxpayers already shell out £38 million to pay the "civil list" for support of of members of the Royal Family. In addition, the Queen and her Royal Consort, His Viral Highness Prince Philip, get £7.9 million for their own expenses.

Some of the buildings, that would have benefited from £1 million "low income" grant, were occupied by minor, extended royals, living in grace and favor homes on the Queen's estates.

In a servile tone, the official wrote in response to the Royal Households request: "I think this is where the Community Emergency Energy Funding is directed, and it ties in with most allocations going to community heating schemes run by local authorities, housing associations, universities, etc. I also feel a bit uneasy about the probable adverse press coverage, if the Palace were given a grant at the expense of say a hospital. Sorry, this doesn't sound more positive."

The Queen has a fortune estimated at £551 million and she gets "insider trading tips," through her boxes, yet she pays nothing out of this sum for her maintenance.

Also, in a boastful moment, drug pusher, "hedge fund adviser," former cog in Adolf Eichmann's genocide machine, Rothschild golem George Soros, stated that the Queen was one of only 99 legally limited investors in his Netherlands Antilles-based, flagship Quantum Fund. Inter-Alpha Group's founder, Lord Jacob Rothschild has a board position (along with two other Rothschild family entities), through his St. James' Capital investment management firm in the Quantum Fund, and he is close to members of the genocidal Royal Family.

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Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

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