7.10.2010 | 11:01
Opiš bréf til Steingrķms J. Sigfśssonar
Góšan Daginn Steingrķmur 7. Oktober 2010
Af gefnu tilefni tel ég mér skylt sem Ķslenskur žegn aš vara viš eftirfarandi hęttu, sem śtlistuš er ķ mešfylgjandi bréfi frį Hagfręšingnum John Hoefle ķ USA.
Ķ ljósi žeirrar žróunar ķ heiminum sem viršist stefna til myrkra mišalda į nęstu misserum, sem ręšst af śtkomu stjórnmįlanna ķ USA nęstu 2 til 3 mįnuši. Krafa mķn er aš reka IMF frį landinu hiš snarasta.
From what I've seen Iceland was basically turned from a productive economy into an offshore speculative playground by the British Empire, which looted it and now demand that it surrender its sovereignty to the IMF in return for loans. Loans from the IMF are a trap, which generally works this way: The IMF gives a nation a loan, but the money actually goes to the international banks to which the nation owes money. In reality, the banks get the money and the nations get the debt. Under IMF conditionalities, the nation is unable to pay back that debt--this is often done by forcing the nation to devalue its currency, and since the debt is denominated in dollars or some other foreign currency, the devaluations mean that a larger percentage of the nation's GDP must go to debt service. When the nation is unable to meet its payments, the IMF will make it another loan, with further conditionalities applied, resulting in a greater debt than ever before. Pretty soon, the nation is a debt slave to the international banks.
This process has played out repeatedly in Ibero-America, where nations have paid bank far more than they initially borrowed, yet owe more than ever. This the Venetian method, using financial warfare to bankrupt a nation, lending it money under the guise of helping, and then using more financial warfare to bankrupt it again, until the debt burden becomes so great that it cannot escape. What we here in the States call "loan-sharking" is based upon that concept.
The IMF is not your friend, it is the enforcer for the Venetian debt-slavery system. If you let it in, it will eat you alive.
We believe that the collapse is on, and that it will hit far faster than people imagine. That is part of the reason people are so opposed to the Obama health-care plan--the man who is supposed to be helping them is instead proposing to kill them, while protecting the international banks. The good news is that a political revolt has started, with Congressmen getting verbally battered in their districts on the health-plan issue, so much so that they and the President are basically going into hiding. A sea-change is occurring, now.
Lausnirnar eru til.
Kvešjur Góšar.
Kabbalistic Black Magic Banksters.
IMF decimating one country after another.
Önnur uppfręšslu myndbönd eru nešar į sķšunni.
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