World Wildlife Fund Issues Another Genocide Report

At a time when LPAC is presenting the alternative to a descent into a New Dark Age — NAWAPA and the transformation of the planet Earth to sustain a growing population at a higher standard of living, and a program to colonize Mars — on Wednesday the World Wildlife Fund issued yet another fraudulent report, whose only intention is to reduce the world's population as per Prince Philip and the now deceased Prince Bernard, to a level of less than 2 billion human beings.

The report argues that so-called carbon pollution and over-use of Earth's natural resources have become so critical that, on current trends, we will need a second planet to meet our needs by 2030. In 2007, Earth's 6.8 billion humans were living 50 percent beyond the planet's threshold of sustainability, according to its report, issued ahead of a UN biodiversity conference. "Even with modest UN projections for population growth, consumption and climate change, by 2030 humanity will need the capacity of two Earths to absorb CO2 waste and keep up with natural resource consumption," it warned. If everyone used resources at the same rate per capita as the United States or the United Arab Emirates, four and a half planets would be needed, it said.

The "Living Planet" report, better entitled the "Triumph of Death" report, the eighth in the series, is based on figures for 2007, the latest year for which figures are available. It pointed to 71 countries that were running down their sources of freshwater at a worrying, unsustainable rate. Nearly two-thirds of these countries experience "moderate to severe" water stress.

But what the WWF 'neglects' to say, of course, is that it is opposed to the very methods by which this problem can be solved, NAWAPA and similar policies globally, combined with nuclear desalination.



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Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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