14.3.2011 | 23:30
Dialogue With LaRouche – The Science Behind Glass Steagall
On Thursday, February 10, as extraordinary events were unfolding in Egypt, the American economist and statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche addressed a private gathering of approximately 75 individuals who were gathered in New York City.
The gathering included international representatives from Russia, China, India, Egypt, and Ireland. They were joined by a large group of leading American economists from California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, most of whom comprise what has been referred to as the greater Stanford Group.
Joining Mr. LaRouche was Sky Shields, the leader of his organization's science group (euphemistically referred to here as “the Basement”). The event was moderated by Mr. LaRouche's National Spokeswoman Debra Freeman.]
We begin with Mr. LaRouche’s opening remarks following Freeman’s introduction.
LAROUCHE: Okay. I should say, first of all, I have an associate of mine with me here in the studio, Sky Shields, who is the leader of the science group for our organization, because I thought perhaps that some of the international people, as well as others, would like to hear his response, when questions which might be directed to him, come up. So, he's here in the studio, and he's watching me —I suppose I need watching, or at least some people think so. So, that's it.
Now, I think the topic we ought to consider is this, is we are now, actually, with the rate of hyperinflation inside the United States, and also in Europe, in particular, and in Brazil, also, we have a generally, in the trans-Atlantic region, we're dominated by a rising rate of hyperinflation. There is no sign of any recovery, of the U.S. economy, in sight for the years ahead, as of now. And my view, is, as long as this current President remains President of the United States, there's no chance for the United States to recover, and also for Europe, because if the United States goes down, then, knowing the situation in the British system and other systems, Europe will not survive a collapse of the U.S. economy. We are now actually in a hyperinflation.
There are remedies. But they are remedies which must be chosen. And that's the situation.
MORE: http://www.larouchepac.com/node/17609
Lyndon Larouche's March 10,2011 Webcast Ireland and America p.1
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:32 | Facebook
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