6.4.2011 | 13:04
EEA Top-Ups. Icesave hvað ??? NEI og aftur NEI.
EEA Top-Ups
If you have an account with a UK branch of an investment services firm based in the European Economic Area (EEA) that becomes insolvent we may also be able to help.
An investment services firm established in another EEA state will be a member of that state's compensation scheme, which will protect customers of that investment services firm in that EEA country, and those dealing with branches of that investment services firm in other EEA countries. Where the investment services firm's home state scheme provides a lower limit of compensation than the FSCS (i.e. less than 100% of the first £30,000 and 90% of the next £20,000 - £50,000, in the case of investments), the investment services firm may choose to join FSCS to 'top up' the limit of protection to £50,000. The firms that have topped up into the UK Scheme (for deposit business only unless indicated otherwise) are listed below with their FSA reference numbers and the month and year they received approval to top up from the FSCS or predecessor scheme.
In the event of a failure of one of these firms, there would be a two step process as the home state scheme would have lead responsibility for claims, and would pay the first part of any compensation. The FSCS would, wherever possible, try to assist claimants in their dealings with the home state scheme (for example, by putting them in contact with the home state scheme, or helping them understand the process that the home state scheme will follow). The FSCS would then deal with any 'top up' claims.
In Belgium *
- Fortis Bank SA/NV (FSA No. 206641 / approved February 2008) - topped up for investment business only
In Cyprus *
Bank of Cyprus Plc (FSA No. 204627 / approved July 2004)
- Marfin Popular Bank Public Co Ltd (FSA No. 204649 / approved January 2005)
In France
- Banque PSA Finance (FSA No. 206678 / approved February 2011) - topped-up for insurance intermediation
In Gibraltar
- Bank J Safra (Gibraltar) Limited (FSA No. 466838 / approved February 2008) - topped up for investment business only
In Iceland
Landsbanki Islands hf (FSA No. 207250 / approved July 2006)
- Kaupthing Bank hf (FSA No. 222968 / approved February 2008)
Please note: Although Kaupthing Bank hf has topped up into FSCS, the bank currently operates under the full FSA authorisation status granted to Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander Limited (a UK registered company), which means its depositors are fully protected by FSCS up to £50,000.
In Ireland *
- Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited (FSA No. 435887 / March 2008) - topped up for investment business only
In Sweden
- Svenska Handelsbanken AB (FSA Ref 149243 / October 2008)
* The limit of compensation offered by the home state schemes in these countries now exceeds the maximum compensation amount payable by the FSCS for protected deposits.
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:54 | Facebook
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