A Letter to the President of Iceland.

Dear President Grímsson,


Yesterday was a great day for democracy.

The Schiller Institute in Denmark, the Danish branch of the political movement led by Lyndon LaRouche, the American economist, and former Democratic presidential candidate, would like to congratulate you for insisting that a referendum be held, so that the people of Iceland could have their voices heard about the Icesave agreement. We are pleased that a referendum was held, and it is no secret that we are also very pleased that the outcome was a resounding “NO.”
Iceland has held the banner of democracy high, in the face of massive pressure from the financial world, which prefers dictatorship. They, and the politicians who bend under their pressure, would force populations to pay for the mistakes of private banks, without having a say in the matter. Your decision to require a popular referendum is a great help to constitutional forces throughout Europe, and the world, who would defend the general welfare, above the financial interests.


Tom Gillesberg
President of the Schiller Institute in Denmark
+45 35 43 00 33

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Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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