Europe Playing "Hide the Bankruptcy"as Fascism Grows

European finance ministers are holding secret meetings to discuss how to deal with the debt crisis in Greece, Portugal, and Ireland. The European Union is threatening everyone with dire consequences if they do not capitulate to its austerity demands, even as voters in places like Iceland, Ireland, and Finland make it clear they want no part of bailing out the banks. The Scottish nationalists want to split off from the United Kingdom. Nations are falling like dominoes all across Europe, and everyone knows Spain is next. We are told that nations are being bailed out, but that is a lie: What is being bailed out are the banks, with the nations getting stuck with the tab. The nations are being destroyed, deliberately.

Ignore the soap opera of official announcements and media spin, and look at the truth. In nation after nation, the economy was turned into a part of the giant global casino run by the Inter-Alpha Group on behalf of the Brutish Empire. Economic productivity was destroyed, replaced by financial gambling. When the casino collapsed, the empire began demanding that the nations cover the bankers' gambling debts, and impose savage austerity upon their own populations to cover the costs. Now, faced with huge deficits and no productive economy to support those debts, the nations themselves are hopelessly bankrupt and politically paralyzed, and are being tricked into fighting among themselves, instead of working together against their common adversary, the British Empire.

Europe is sinking into chaos and ungovernability, and the smell of fascism is again in the air. The European Union is being turned into a fascist dictatorship, as the core of a new global dictatorship. The same is happening in the U.S., under Obama. The antidote to this is the assertion of national sovereignty, beginning with the passage of Glass-Steagall. The existing monetary system is gone, but we need not die with it. We beat the fascists before, and we can do it again.

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Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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