Strategic Assesment From LaRouche - December 5, 2011

The time for war is passed. War itself is now the enemy, per se! You can not have a general war on this planet, now, except at the price of the extinction of the human species.

Prime Time Report - Monday, December 5th -

We stand at the head of a 2,000 year old war between the true identity of man, and Zeus. Barack Obama, is nothing but a mentally deformed worshiper of the Olympian Zeus drive for genocide. We get rid of Obama, and we break the chains Zeus has held successfully over our United States since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. And that's the war to engage and succeed in.


The true story of the fight for NAWAPA, spanning the 60s and early 70s, as told through the words of Utah's Senator Frank Moss.



 NerObama talks of Egypt, Syria and Libya and his silence here is deafening


LaRouchePAC Webcast 09.30.2011 - Live National Address

Lyndon LaRouche delivers his live National Address. How would a real President respond to the potential constellation of leading powers? Russia has dealt a strategic blow to the British Empire, led by Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev.



LaRouchePAC 10 Years Later September 10, 2011

Eight months before the September 11, 2001 attacks, Lyndon LaRouche forecast that the United States was at high risk for a Reichstag Fire event, an event that would allow those in power to manage through dictatorial means an economic and social crisis that they were otherwise incompetent to handle. We are presently living in the unbroken wake of that history.


Presidential Message for USA. Glass Steagall !

Lyndon LaRouche delivered this emergency presidential statement this morning, addressed to an international audience.

The Seven Necessary Steps Sept. 4, 2011

A full-length feature video detailing LaRouche's program, "Seven Necessary Steps for Global Economic Recovery".

The Only Option: Who Is Ready To Lead?

The following is a joint statement, made by the six LaRouche Democrats, running for Congress as a national slate. A full-color PDF version of this leaflet, is also available.

The whole system is coming down now. There is no hope for the survival of civilization if we continue down this path of destruction. There is only one option, get Obama out now, and push for a national economic recovery led by a new generation of leadership. The boomer generation continues to hold on to the delusion of saving a system which is already dead, while the younger generation required to lead is not imprisoned by the same delusions. It is clear that the current baby boomers in leadership have lacked the guts and moral courage to take the necessary steps to save the nation; they are now in way over their heads.

The crisis we face today is beyond a mere financial crisis; it is a crisis that threatens nothing short of adding mankind to the list of species gone extinct. Everything that this generation insisted would work, from the fraud of environmentalism, to the insane money printing and financial bailouts used to "solve" the 2008 financial collapse, has been a failure and a lie.

We have right now, a moment, albeit a short one, of opportunity. As the world is crumbling around us, we must catalyze the will to fight. The creativity and boldness represented by the nation under John F. Kennedy must be reborn, in a new generation of leadership, which is not worried about our own personal pleasure.

We must commit ourselves to a mission orientation, a science-driver program for the nation once again. The work of the slate of six LaRouche Democrats has brought the urgency of the re-enactment of Glass Steagall to capitol buildings, union halls and doorsteps of Federal officials across the country. However, Glass-Steagall by itself is not enough, we must set into motion the plans to rebuild this nation through the platform project N.A.W.A.P.A. (North American Water and Power Alliance), as an emergency measure to create careers, not temporary jobs, and restore our productive base, scientific creativity, and cultural optimism. There is no solution for the present without thinking about the future, in physical, not monetary terms.

As a cadre of young leadership in the United States, the slate of six LaRouche Democrats are recruiting others to join them to get behind the only policy combination that will work: Fire Obama, Re-instate Glass Steagall and begin building NAWAPA.

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Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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