13.8.2011 | 16:14
Obama In Meltdown; World Financial System Set To Blow.
11.8.2011 | 16:24
The Great Mission of Two Generations, In This Grave Threat to Humanity
Lyndon LaRouche Opening Remarks Private Luncheon, Aug. 10, 2011
"All right, we're now faced, as many of you suspect or know, we're now faced with the greatest crisis in the history of modern man. There's nothing comparable to it, to what we face now. There are solutions, but the question is will the solutions be tolerated, or accepted?
There are two generations in the United States, which are interesting; the others are a little bit less than interesting. One is the older generation, which I have the privilege of representing, probably being the oldest person here, and therefore, I'm still standing and fighting, and that's a good sign in itself. The other thing is, we have a younger generation, which is generally in the range of 25 to 50 or so, and among them, you will find people who are a little less well-informed than we were in my generation, but who have a spirit of trying to conquer these problems, as I've seen. And then, we have a middle generation, the Baby-Boomer generation, which is the victim of what happened with the assassination of John F. Kennedy and his brother, who were murdered, because John was opposed to the war in Indo-China, and the only way they were going to get that war in Indo-China, was to kill John F. Kennedy. And they weren't content with that, just in case his brother was going to be effective, and the brother was about to be nominated as a candidate for President, to succeed his brother. At that point, that generation between, what we call the Baby-Boomer generation today, collapsed. They sometimes have good ideas, but they have no practice to match if they have good ideas.
So we're stuck with a situation where we're dealing with a younger generation, that, particularly between the ages of, say, 25-50 or so, and they will tend, among them, to fight, show some degree of competence, some degree of effort to succeed. The older generation, the Boomer generation is largely discouraged, even though some of them have interesting ideas and valid judgment, their ability to act on that judgment is zero. They're not a generation one would want to take to war, if you were in command of anything, because they will always vacillate, always vacillate, always fail.
As we see, we have a so-called environmentalist movement in Europe, in the trans-Atlantic region: You will find that among Boomers, as they're called, the Boomers do not have the courage to do anything about concerns; they will always be deferential to that generation, or de-generation, which is called environmentalist. And the environmentalist generation is one of the great problems of humanity today.
What's the issue? Contrary to the popular misbelief, that the course of events is not determined by a fixed limit. The whole idea of fixing the limit of growth, the whole idea of the so-called Second Law of Thermodynamics, is a complete fraud! If anyone took the care to examine the history living processes on this planet of ours, and somewhat beyond, they would understand that you have a progress, in which, of all the species of life which have existed on this planet Earth, during its entire existence, 98% of those forms of life, are extinct! Just like the dinosaurs, extinct.
Then you look at the other side of it: You take from say, half a billion years ago, for example, up to the present time, and you examine the record of living processes. And you find, the record is, that the order of living processes, which supersede one another in this great train, is that the order is in terms of higher energy-flux density; in other words, higher levels of concentration of power. Superior species! The superior species, biologically, supersede the lower order of species, that is the general pattern of destruction of species.
Among these species, all of them, there's only one species, which we can expect to survive the ritual kills of one generation after another which becomes extinct. The only species we know of, we don't know the full universe, so we can't tell about beyond our own galaxy, we don't know what we can find out there. But, we know that within this galaxy, insofar as we know it, the only species that's capable of surviving the series of great kills which have wiped out 98% of the forms of life, in this planet, and within the Solar System, is mankind. Only mankind has the actually creative powers of reason, with which to discover the means, by which it can survive the periodic great kills that wipe out whole layers of species into extinction.
Therefore, the fight today, which is the underlying reason for all these crises, is that mankind has been plagued by the idea there should be a limit to growth, a limit to progress. Only mankind has the specific ability of voluntary creativity, to create the conditions under which we, as our species, can survive the threats of great kills, which have wiped out 98% of the species known to us to have lived, so far today.
And therefore, we have to praise mankind, praise the advancement of science and technology, praise the application of this power to improvement of the conditions of life for mankind, and think of measures, from generation to generation, and think about the motives involved in that. What's the great motive of humanity? What is the great discouragement of humanity? The belief that the meaning of life is terminated with their death: That's the great problem.
And only when we understand mankind, as a willfully creative species, and allow that willful creativity specific to progress of mankind, to take over direction of our policymaking, then we will be able to create the conditions, by that understanding, and by the inspiration that that understanding gives us, we'll be able to create, and motivate, the changes in way of thinking, away from zero growth, away from this degeneracy which is now prevailing, and to think again, in terms of the creativity of mankind; the promotion of the creativity of mankind; the inspiration to make discoveries, go to higher energy-flux densities, as the technology for the term for this, that's the one chance for mankind we have.
We once had, until the assassination of Kennedy and his brother, we once had in the United States, still, the inspiration which led to the founding of the space program and similar kinds of great efforts. We've now crushed those efforts. We suppressed them!
We are under a tyrant, who is not really an American, he's an agent of the British Empire, which is always had this kind of policy. And we, of the nations that believe in humanity are now the only hope for humanity as a whole. There are many of us in various countries, in the Americas, in the trans-Atlantic region; in Russia, today, we see a resurgence of optimism among some circles; in China, there's a sense of optimism; in India, somewhat lesser, but so forth: There is the hope within mankind, that the development of our creative powers and the realization of them, can lead to a better condition for mankind; and can lead us to the point, which is now possible, scientifically it's possible we have the possibility of great advances in technology, in science and technology.
If we unleash these advantages, we can reach the point where we can create conditions of very high energy-flux density, as the term is called; we can create those conditions under which mankind will be able to defy the kind of mass death which threatens species during the present phase-shift in the system, in the galactic system. We're getting to the point where the Solar System is moving around, fatally, into the same position, at which the famous dinosaurs were wiped out, as if with one blow!
We, with the technology, will have the ability, if we use it, to defeat such a threat to mankind. Only mankind has the creative power of judgment, which is capable of mustering that kind of defense against the threatened extinction of the human species. So we fight, as members of nations; we fight as representatives of cultures; we cooperate with one another, to bring about these changes which are necessary, now. We have to begin now, in order to prepare the way for the future, the great challenge which faces us, as the Solar System moves gradually around, to the point, that it's above the layer of the galaxy, and the mass kills occur, because the radiation to which we're exposed, we can not defend today, but we could defend in the future, if we begin to work on that, today.
And we must think of the other aspect of this, this personal social aspect of this thing: We must think of what we can do, in order to protect the human species. We have to think, also, in doing that, that we do not die completely, as human beings, when we die. Because if we contribute to the process of discovery, on which progress depends, if we develop the kind of educational system and the orientation of it, which this demands, we can each sense that we are participating, even as we go to death, in having made contributions to mankind, which assure the continued existence and power of the human species within this galaxy. We can do that. But we have to begin. We have to commit ourselves to that method of thinking, that outlook.
It's still possible. It's possible among our younger people. It's possible among older people like me, who still have the fire left over from the World War II experience. We still remember that, we remember that passion. We remember the passion that inspired a generation which supported President Kennedy, in the space program and other programs: We can still do that, but we have to begin, now! We have to reverse the trend which is carrying us toward extinction, in this world.
There are nations which hope. China has hope; India has a little less hope, in this sense. There are other countries that have hope, in Asia, as elsewhere. We have to give way, to the right of those who have hope, to lead us out of this darkness.
And with that, it's like some of the great conceptions of history, that, on the one side, humanity is the only species that has this kind of optimism, only humanity. If we activate humanity, on behalf of humanity, we can inspire among our people, those measures which are needed to produce this effect. But we have to understand, we're threatened by a great danger: We're threatened by a force of evil, which says, we have to lower our level of technology, we have to stop science, we have to have a Green policy: These are the things which are the great treason of human beings against human beings. Environmentalism is the great danger which could exterminate the human species! And we have to fight it accordingly.
We have to fight it with optimism, with an understanding that when we create something of value to future humanity, we achieve a certain kind of immortality, not immortality in the flesh, but immortality in the consequences of what we contribute to the process of human progress.
We're in such a situation now: This week, for example, we are at this present time, coming out of Europe and coming out of the present U.S. administration, we have a policy coming which would guarantee, the virtual extermination of humanity! Because the cuts that are to be made, the lower grade of production allowed, the cutting of nuclear power, the cutting of these other kinds of power on which our existence depends, the power to make great inventions, to energize them, these things are being taken away from us!
If we allow our culture, now, to be degraded, as the British Monarchy, and our funny President prescribe, we will create an irreversible situation, in which the extinction of mankind becomes probable. If we make the change now, we'll not merely stop a depression, the greatest depression in modern history, globally, because China can not withstand the collapse of the trans-Atlantic system; India can survive that; other countries can not survive that: That while the immediate danger comes from the trans-Atlantic system, the so-called European trans-Atlantic system, the danger comes from there. But if we allow that danger to explode, considering the present economic situation of the planet as a whole, we could sustain mankind! Everybody would go into the pot, into a long dark age, and the question would be, would we be capable, under those conditions of destruction, in ever recovering in time, to save the human species.
We have to love mankind, among all nations, because mankind is precious. The nations represent the cultures of mankind; they have to be brought into harmony, in terms of a fundamental common interest, the interest of the future of mankind. And that now stands before us. And that is the root of the crisis today.
There are forces in the United States, and in Europe, in particular, which are determined to bring about this great revival, the revival of death, of zero growth and reverse! If we do not stop that, mankind is doomed. That means, if we don't throw this President out of office, probably, mankind is doomed as a result! This President should be thrown out of office: He's violated many acts. He's also mentally not capable of being President, by the standard of the 25th Amendment, Section 4: That condition would result in his expulsion.
He has also committed offenses against the Constitution of the United States, which demand his expulsion from office, immediately! Immediately! If we don't get him out of office, the chance for humanity in general, are very poor.
And you see the cowardice of the leading generation, they will not take this on. And it's those of us who will take it on, on whom we depend, for succor from this great threat of extinction in the future of the human species. This is the situation: This is the result of the economic trend in policymaking, since the assassinations of President Kennedy and his brother, successively. That's the issue. Because we in the United States are crucial, because we are the United States: We moved out of Europe, in order to get away from this threat, this kind of threat which dominated Europe, then, and still dominates Europe today. When the United States fails its specific mission, providing the alternative to the corruption of Europe, then, the world is still in trouble, today.
So: That's my point of view. Take a shot at it, see what you have to say about it."
7.8.2011 | 13:48
If You Plan on Surviving, Then Plan on Fighting
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:50 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
1.8.2011 | 21:56
1.8.2011 | 21:44
Today the U.S. Congress will vote on a legislative package that, if passed, will mean the end of the United States. If the package worked out through the debt ceiling negotiations with the Obama administration is passed, it means that the United States is sunk overnight, and the U.S. and the world goes into a Dark Age.
Today Lyndon LaRouche issued this urgent call. We are in an emergency situation...What the press is saying is misleading. ...This is intended to be the Hitler Coup, right now. It's the equivalent of the Hitler Coup, only it's worse. You're going to see a lot of dead Americans piling up on the streets, and I mean it literallyunless we turn this thing around.
We still have the possibility of turning it around. The urgency with which we can respond to this, is going to be decisive.
The legislation which is intended to be voted on sometime today, August 1st, will establish the following:
- 1. An initial cut of $1 trillion from the federal budget.
- 2. The creation of what Obama has named the Supercongress, a 12 person body composed of 6 Democrats and 6 Republicans who are tasked to come up with an additional $1.5 trillion in cuts by November 23rd of this year.
- 3. The recommendations made by the Supercongress for an additional $1.5 trillion in cuts will be sent to both houses of Congress to receive only an up or down vote. The House and Senate cannot amend or filibuster the recommendations of the Supercongress. If the Congress votes no on the recommendations, the $1.5 trillion in cuts will be evenly distributed between the defense budget and domestic entitlement programs.
If the Congress does not go along with the proposed cuts of the Supercongress, the cuts go through anyway.
This is what the Congress is voting on today. As of this morning there is opposition from the Progressive Caucus and Black Caucus. However, many other members of the Congress are ready to vote for treason. They are capitulating to the terror campaign run through the Obama White House, Wall Street, and the City of London that has said if the debt ceiling is not raised it will cause a government shutdown, the U.S. credit rating and the credit rating of cities and states will be downgraded, and the markets will crash.
This is a lie.
The crash is not determined by these factors, the crash has already happened. These measures will not buy time, they will guarantee the destruction of the United States Constitution.
Our only line of defense in this coup attempt is the passage of Glass-Steagall. Mobilize for action, call every member of Congress, and tell them that a vote for the debt deal is a vote for treason. Demand the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, H.R. 1489, immediately.
Glass-Steagall is our defense, it is the only measure that will save the nation.
The vote today is Obama's Hitler Coup. It is in our hands to stop it, now
Stop Obama's Hitler Coup http://www.larouchepac.com/node/18957
Ţarf 331 milljarđs dala lán | |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 21:51 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
21.7.2011 | 12:24
LaRouche To Give International Webcast July 21; "Throw Obama Out of Office Today!"
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 12:26 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
20.7.2011 | 16:42
International Webcast. July 21st, 2011 // 1:00 pm EST
What happened with Tremonti's ultimatum to the prime ministership in Italy means that Tremonti has tipped the wagon. He's made a proposal, which if he were to be firedTremontithat would collapse the entire European system in a chain reaction collapse. Now, I've had some conversations with Tremonti in the past, and these are not irrelevant at this moment. Now, what's happened is, the whole system of Europe, economic financial system of Europe is rotten to the core. There is no way this system could survive. The only question is: Is the collapse going to occur overnight, or sometime near that? This is the end of the system; and if a wrong move is made, a wrong choice of move is made, the whole world will go very soon in a matter of days into a general collapse.
Now, I'm the one. I'm the gravedigger of such follies; that is my function. And I'm not going to use a shovel; I will use a steamroller. What that means is, we are going to do the following: The situation of Europe is absolutely hopeless, with the present system. We've now reached the point of a total breakdown crisis, because the whole system has reached a point which I knew was going to come. It's going to collapse; one way or the other. Now, the only way it could be rescued would be by the United States, because the present European system has no provision for dealing with a crisis like this. A game had been played, particularly by the British and by Wall Street. A game had been played, which is now blown up, and they're trying to hold the thing together with baling wire, or something. We have the solution.
-Lyndon LaRouche, July 11, 2011
Europe's Only Chance for Survival
The webcast will be broadcast live at 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific, on July 21st, right here.
Submit a question: asklarouche@larouchepac.com
19.7.2011 | 22:30
By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Once our Federal Constitution had been established, those developments called The French Revolution, had divided our republics leadership among, first, those solidly committed to that Constitution, such as President George Washington and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, as, second, compared with the pro-English President John Adam, and those pro-French Revolution partisans such as Thomas Jefferson. Later, President John Adams son, Secretary of State, and, later, President John Quincy Adams, who had been a protégé of Benjamin Franklin, emerged, as both U.S. Secretary of State, a one-term President, and the living conscience of patriotism throughout the remainder of his life. The proponents of Hamiltons and John Quincy Adams remained the beacons of our patriotic tradition as American republicans, despite scoundrels such as Andrew Jackson who were tied to their attachment to Britains agents Aaron Burr (and, one-time Jefferson Vice-President) and Burrs successor on Wall Street, Martin van Buren.
Under the indicated, and comparable, centrifugal tendencies within the Presidencies of the U.S.A., the Congress of the United States had often degenerated in its quality of function, that to the effect, that the original intention of our Federal Constitution was corrupted deeply, as it became, more and more, the victim, through expressions of imported European parliamentary opportunism inherent in partisan, centrifugal tendencies within the electoral processes of our nation, as in the errant tendencies of partisan break-away from the original Constitutional intention.
This corrupting trend, is a trend expressed by the increase of the influence of the morally decadent, Europe-like role of partisanship among our Federal institutions. This had become a trend toward party first, rather than citizen-ruled law-making within our Legislative bodies.
The notable result of that trend has been the ruin of our constitutional system by legislative and related trends of the degeneration of the proceedings of our law-making institutions, into those kinds of expressions of parliamentary faction which tend to degrade our U.S.A. into a systemic reign of the kind of partisanship, through which the efforts for self-destruction of our political system have gained the power to corrupt whose effects we are suffering presently.
I now begin with the following restatement of those opening remarks:
In all matters of legislative and related practice which bear on shaping the effective intention of our law-making processes, our leading institutions have suffered the form of corruption in which the meaning of party has often tended to destroy the independence of the conscience of the elected representatives in our Federal Congress, and the spill-over of those tendencies into the shaping, and, frequently, a misshapen way used for defeating the proper role of the conscience of the individual legislator.
Those corrupting practices have tended to prompt the individual legislator to abandon his proper duty of thinking-through the policies which should be considered in a rigorous fashion, and, to go along, to get along, with the particular bias imposed by party, rather than conscience.
That presently customary practice, does not always lead to serious error; however, in matters bearing on the realization of the principles of constitutional law as established by our Federal Constitutions essential principle, the imitations of the practices of European and comparable parliamentary practices, have a morally corrupting effect on the legislative and related processes.
The types of manifest corruption which the presently, more customary practice promotes, frequently mean the defeat of the national interest, even vital interest, of our republic as a whole. The effect of this element of systemic corruption, is to disorient the citizen to the effect that the citizen, himself, or herself, adapts to the expediency which then tends to corrupt the voter at the base of the social-political process of law-making. Up to a certain limit, the voting citizen himself, or herself, becomes an opportunist who adapts to the tainted system of partisan law-making, in the misguided belief of the citizen, that he or she is attempting to use the corrupt system for what the citizen, out of desperation, adopts as the likely means for achieving a benefit from this corrupted process, which the typical citizen often regards as the system to which he, or she, must adapt, to gain what the citizen takes as being that citizens vital, or comparable self-interest.
Corruption of that sort has the character, not of a mere error, but, rather, a social form of epidemic disease. So, often, a majority among our citizens themselves, becomes the carrier of the ugly diseases which the system has come to express, from top to bottom.
The Economic Principle
It has become, unfortunately, a modern European tradition of (in fact) European imperialism (in particular), to separate economy from physical science. The connection of economy to physical principle, lies in understanding the practical implications of the difference between animal and human behavior: the specific distinction of science-defined lawfulness of animal behavior from human potentialities, lies in the function of creativity specific to mankind, as being in a likeness to the implicit role of the Creator. The celebrated First Chapter of Genesis describes this distinction in a summary way.
The most notable expression of such distinctions, is the fact that the person whom one might imagine as the one seen in a mirror, the person who one is often deceived into believing is the one in the mirror, either is not the real person, or, often, even something worse, something like the beastly predator, as the latter is illustrated by the adherents of that predatory species of monetarism recognized as the type of the Anglo-American monetarist factions of Wall Street, Judge Lowells New England, and The City of London.
I refer attention to the address on this subject of human creativity which I gave in Rüsselsheim, Germany, during July 2-3rd.
When we have taken into account, a reasonable sampling of human knowledge of both the universe and the human species which I had presented, on the subject of human creativity, in that Rüsselsheim address, the image of the human individual is far removed from, and of a much higher order than the typical image in the mirror. Then, the image of ones power to do soars as a greatly higher authority than the mere shadow which is regarded as the customary face in the mirror. It can be fairly said, on that account, that we are what we do, rather than what we merely appear to be.
The acceptance of the properly chosen implications of that regard for the truly intended nature of truly creative man, of the action of the truly creative individual, serves as the moral force attributable to the true nature of the actually competent knowledge of the image of the nature of the adequately qualified human individual as seen in that mirror of reality.
The image in that mirror, is defined in coherence with the actually creative potential of the individual, as that distinction is represented as the image of the actually creative-universal human individual, the individual who discovers the means for the revolutionary leaps to a higher state of being brought about by the still mortal biological individual whose immortality lies in the contributions made by the human mind to the advancement of the role of humanity in the future history of mankind generally.
It is those conceptions which reflect that distinctive principle of the immortal human soul which is the model reflected as the intention of the Preamble of the U.S.A.s original Federal Constitution. It is the image of that which we must come to regard of the immortality of the human which expresses the forward motion of that universal principle.
12.7.2011 | 17:59
Glass Steagall or.......Die.
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
July 11, 2011
The following is a strategic briefing, delivered by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, to a group of associates across the globe.
So, yesterday, Lyn basically said that this week may be the week where the whole thing comes down, and we may be right on target. Today's the 11th, so Lyn was wrong by one day well, that happens, you know, but this thing is coming down, and the only question is what will be first, the collapse of the euro, or the collapse of the U.S. system, or both together, reinforcing each other?
Now, the run on Italian bonds and stock is fully under way: What preceded this was information that there was another hedge fund meeting in New York deciding that now was the time to make the attack on Italy, which is probably what happened in reality. The cover story given here was that it was the poisoned atmosphere in Italy between Berlusconi and Tremonti, where Berlusconi publicly made a statement that Tremonti believes he's a genius and everybody else is stupid; and he, in any case, would water his savings austerity down, so much that it would please the voters and not the markets. So this was supposedly the sign which got this herd running, with the expectation that Tremonti was about to be ousted, and basically now you have a big selloff of Italian state bonds but also other paper, like CDS; there is short-selling of Italian bonds, and there is a huge run.
So there is short-selling, where especially American hedge funds have started to bet on a collapse of Italian bonds; remember that short-selling is that you sell paper that you don't possess, but you only afterwards try to buy, by speculating on a falling price. And, the other thing which is going on is credit default swaps, by basically betting on the collapse as well.
So then there is a huge freakout that even a new bailout package or an increase of the umbrella could only stop the collapse in the very, very short term, and that even Merkel's intelligent remark that Italy should implement more austerity, would just have increased the insecurity in the markets, and that a stampeding herd can not be stopped like this at all.
So there is a flood of articles now "To be, or not to be, that is now the euro question"; that the problem becomes worse the more bailout packages you put together, and now finally, the euro is at stake."
So, I think, they're now talking like we talk all the time, but now it's too late! [laughs] And Spiegel, for example, says that the ECB-speak is no more Euroland, but "Euro-Gebiet" and that the tension between the "Pleite-Griechen," the bankrupt Greeks and the "Euro-Nazis," has reached new peaks.
Then Welt online has four scenarios about the future of the euro: either chaos, continue like before, to double the umbrella; to make restructuring; or, fourth, that the Eurozone breaks apart.
So this is now all over the place. Welt, for example, had an article earlier, saying that the euro bailout can only end with a horror scenario, that neither an increase of the mechanism, nor making the Eurozone smaller could mean a solution. Then, they attack Juncker I mean, here you go! that Juncker had made irresponsible remarks that made the markets insecure: So there is no honor among thieves, they slit each other's throats. And then, they say the governments have put themselves in a position where even a doubling of the mechanism to EU1.5 trillion would no longer make any difference. So, I think the panic is here. And then it goes on and one like, that if there's anyone who believes they can solve it should please raise their hand. This is ridiculous. The cost for Germany will be gigantic, into two-digit, maybe three-digit billions in dimension, because the banks will go bankrupt.
And interesting in this context, is a parallel which previously only we made, namely that this is the end of the system, and that comes from James Galbraith, that unless it's reformed, Europe's project is doomed. And he makes the comparison that "Europe's political project will face the same fate as communism and the U.S. Confederacy." Hmm? Remember that's what we said in 1989 and '90, that if you made the mistake of imposing deregulation and free-market economy, you would have a collapse of that system much bigger than Communism.
So he compares the European Union to the Confederacy, that this model didn't function, and all this austerity which Greece has imposed for what? Along the road lies a future of defaults, panic, disillusion of the Eurozone, hyperinflation in the existing countries, and a collapse of export markets. And the final consequence will be large population movements, as happened from the American South, basically people fleeing from poverty.
So then, I don't know how this picture will look by the end of the day, because Commerzbank some hours ago had lost 9% in one day; and all the DAX [stock market] is going down as well.
Now, as I said, this may lead to sudden, complete changes, because this thing is untenable.
And no less dramatic is the situation in the United States, where basically the situation with Obama and Republicans on the debt ceiling has ended in a complete stalemate, but nobody can say what will be the result of it, other than this thing is exploding as well. So basically what was the discussion was that the Republicans and Obama wanted to cut $4 trillion from the budget, and obviously this is totally insane. And when the job figures were released on Friday, they were shockingly bad, and so it was clear that the so-called recovery was a fraud. And basically, then, it was clear that Obama was willing to completely cut Social Security and Medicare, which the Democratic Party had in general tried to not touch. And when they saw what the bargain with what the House Republican Leader Boehner had been, that he was ready was to settle for a ratio of $3 of spending cuts for every $1 of extra tax revenue, which the Republicans also did not accept, at all.
So rather than having a strong position, he was ready to move three-quarters of the way to the Republican position, and the Republicans would not even take that, who demanded nothing less than unconditional surrender. And as a result of this, basically, both Obama and Boehner have lost.
And then the FT here has an unbelievable article, saying "Could Mr. Obama's calculation have been more devious than this? Could this breakdown have been the White House plan all along?"
And I think it's difficult to say, but if you look at this insanity, here the whole world is disintegrating and these governments are such unbelievable bunglers, that one can not really escape the idea that maybe this is the British trying to pull the system down? You know, pulling the string on Obama, pulling the string on the EU in any case, this is the instrument has fulfilled its usefulness, because basically, this makes Obama really looking bad. And this thing is not settled. It's not settled and the clock is ticking, and this is going to be a terrible thing UNLESS THERE IS GLASS-STEAGALL, QUICKLY, THIS WEEK.
Now, fortunately, we have a growing momentum towards Glass-Steagall in the United States, and obviously one can not only count the number of congressmen and senators who are in favor, but there is a dynamic right now, where it's either chaos and total anarchy, or Glass-Steagall.
Now, here is another thing to show what cynical bastards these people are, and that there is no question that the British Empire does want to use this crisis for massive population reduction. And this is coming out now, in the most blatant form, namely in the form of a UN report, that in Somalia and other East Africa countries, there is the worst catastrophe worldwide, according to the UNHCR chief, where 12 million people are about to die, right now; and that obviously didn't happen overnight, but this has been coming, and it was not reported.
So this guy then reports that children who are without any strength are lying on the floor; women, who pull themselves and their family with their ounce of strength forward. It's absolutely earthshaking. This is the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world: "Never, ever have I seen, in a refugee camp, human beings in such a desperate condition," said the chief of the office, Antonio Gutierrez [ph]. And he said that hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing drought and lack of food from Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. That alone in a place called Dadap [ph], in Kenya, there are presently 380,000 in one camp! which is the largest refugee camp in the world! Can you imagine, 380,000, that's like a city the size of Stuttgart. And it continues that mothers are losing three children in a day so obviously, this has not been new! And the scandal is that one day, you look in the newspaper and they say there are 12 million people about the die! When there is no way how this was not clear for months, and these things, these droughts and so forth is building up, but 12 million people, that's not newsworthy. But newsworthy is that the Linkspartei demands a speed limit on the highways!
I mean this is so bankrupt, so absolutely and you have to get the rage of the people directed against this, because this is criminal activity, this is criminal energy, this is mass murder, when we said, almost 40 years ago, that the IMF policy is 100 times worse than Adolf Hitler, that was absolutely on the mark! Maybe not only the IMF, but the whole system, but you know, they are killing people off! It's the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and that's what they're going for.
So, it is totally disgusting. You really feel like vomiting when you see this.
Now, there are more reports, that the ECB is continuing to violate the Maastricht Treaty, Art. 18, because they keep taking junk bonds, they have been taking junk bonds from all these countries Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and so it's an untenable situation.
Okay, now, on other issues: Important is that the former French Gen. Vincent Desportes basically blasted the Libya war for being another example of the failed "revolution in military affairs," namely the idea that you can win such wars by air raids alone, without ground troops, and that this was the same policy which would have been tried in Iraq in 2003, and in Israel against the Hezbollah in 2006. And that obviously, the pretext that it's supposed to protect the population of the rebels is a phony argument because there are domestic policies which are really behind it.
And then he says, that Qaddafi by trying to sit this situation out, could very well end up winning, because, except for luck, meaning to hit Qaddafi by chance, there would have to be a strong ground offensive of several thousand men, which is strictly impossible to do. So there you have another example of this absolutely insane empire doctrine.
Now, Mrs. Merkel obviously totally oblivious to what I just said about the refugee crisis in East Africa, she is now on a three-day trip to Africa, taking exactly three days to visit three countries, and she will make speeches about "good governance," in Africa: So, forget it.
All right, so, now, there is an article by one of the Öko-fascists, Harald Weltzer [ph], whom we know already because he's the director for the Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research in Essen, and he feels compelled to write an article in Spiegel, that those people who speak about the danger of an eco-dictatorship, like Juergen Grossman and Fritz Fahrenhold [ph], who even warned about the Jacobinism of the Greenies, who are these people to speak about human rights? Is a human right the right for a living standard, which allows for vacations every year, three cars per family, and daily throwing away food, several flat-screen TVs, airconditioning, American refrigerators with ice cube makers, and so forth. I mean, this is so insane! For whom is this the case? Who does this fit? It's for the hedge funds? And these people who give money to people like this guy Weltzer.
So, anyway, I think we are in for the really big one. There is no way how this can be stopped. I don't know if they managed to get through this week or, not, but I think we really have to really think in terms of getting a mass effect, by telling people that they have to oppose this, because this is going to kill people! This is not fun and games, this is going to kill people if there is no Glass-Steagall!
So I think we should really think about what leverages we have to change the situation, and to get people to reflect on the fact that the only way is Glass-Steagall. But given the condition of Europe at this point, given the French government, the German government, the Italian government, I mean, I can not see that it can happen, unless you have a big shock from the United States! And that's what we have to tell people: They should prepare for that, because as Lyn was saying the last couple of days, is that the momentum for Glass-Steagall is absolutely picking up steam, and all we can do is spread our role. Lyn is in the middle of all of this: The fact that the Kerry resolution had to be pulled back, which had been put in in the first place to make sure that our influence would not explode, that was defeated. Senator Reid had to pull it back, because he realized he didn't have the votes, and now you have this complete impasse, and this thing in this week, it will change.
That's all I can see: This is the moment. So don't do anything but think how we can put our agenda on the table, and use the fact that we had a conference, which is really the only thing people can relate to. We can pull these things off any time, if we had a little bit more collaborators and a little bit more money, it would be so easy, we would know exactly what it is necessary to undo this. We would know who to pull together to fix it, which engineers, which scientists, which Mittelstand people should be entrusted with the job to bring the economy back into shape. We have the programs: We have the World Land-Bridge, the New Bretton Woods, all of these things are there, but everything depends upon will people have the intelligence to now step forward and move together with us?
So I think that is making the picture extremely clear. The world is insane, it's totally crazy, but this is the test: Can we get our solution, which is the only realistic solution through?
Okay that's really all I wanted to say, because that's the only thing which is relevant.
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:03 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
12.7.2011 | 12:57
- By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. -
What happened with Tremonti's ultimatum to the prime
ministership in Italy means that Tremonti has tipped the wagon.
He's made a proposal, which if he were to be
fired--Tremonti--that would collapse the entire European system
in a chain reaction collapse. Now, I've had some conversations
with Tremonti in the past, and these are not irrelevant at this
moment. Now, what's happened is, the whole system of Europe,
economic financial system of Europe is rotten to the core. There
is no way this system could survive. The only question is: Is
the collapse going to occur overnight, or sometime near that?
This is the end of the system; and if a wrong move is made, a
wrong choice of move is made, the whole world will go very soon
-- in a matter of days -- into a general collapse.
Now, {I'm the one.} I'm the gravedigger of such follies;
that is my function. And I'm not going to use a shovel; I will
use a steamroller. What that means is, we are going to do the
following: The situation of Europe is absolutely hopeless, with
the present system. We've now reached the point of a total
breakdown crisis, because the whole system has reached a point
which I knew was going to come. It's going to collapse; one way
or the other. Now, the only way it could be rescued would be by
the United States, because the present European system has no
provision for dealing with a crisis like this. A game had been
played, particularly by the British and by Wall Street. A game
had been played, which is now blown up, and they're trying to
hold the thing together with baling wire, or something. We have
the solution.
First of all you have, the problem is Europe has the same
kind of problem that we in the United States have -- the same
{type} of problem, not exactly the same kind, but the same type.
There's no way that this system can continue to exist, because
there is no way to at the same time, increase the debt -- the
worthless debt -- as an obligation to crush the physical economy
of Europe and the United States, and elsewhere. There's no way
you can liquefy this process; none. You have to wipe out vast
amounts of the current debt. And obviously, we're going to wipe
out the useless one, the purely parasitical one, and we're going
to use as an ingredient the model of Glass-Steagall. Now
Glass-Steagall essentially takes all the garbage, all the debt
garbage in Europe of the type we can not pay, and we're going to
give it to the relevant merchant banking system. "It's yours!
It's all yours! You wanted it; now you're getting it! Nice?
Sweet? Oh, it's sweet. You don't know how sweet this is; you
have not yet assimilated what I've thought about this. You will
soon, with our help, just to make sure you all have a fair chance
at giggling.
The time has come for that, because if Europe goes, the
United States goes. If the United States goes now, Europe goes.
Therefore, they {have no option.} Behave, or die; that's their
option. And they have no remedy for it; no solution, except an
attempt at dictatorship. And dictatorship will blow up
dictatorship. Because the attempt at scrambling and establishing
it, will cause confusion and the whole thing will disintegrate.
In this moment, if we have the will and capability, we're going
to change the world. The time has come! Numbers don't count!
Policy counts; the policy that represents a solution is what
This system can not live any longer. The death knell has
sounded; the death rattle has sounded. And all the fools who
have ever opposed us -- we're laughing at them. Damned stupid
fools! You thought that you were smart; you knew how to do
something that we didn't know how to do. Well, you've just
learned your lesson. You never had it.
So, the first thing is going to be, the first item will be a
statement of the policy to deal with the present world crisis as
now being detonated -- both from the President of the United
States currently, with his idiocy, in synchronization with a
crisis in Europe which is the most deadly crisis that Europe has
experienced since World War II. It's on now; tonight and
tomorrow. The drums are beating, the game is over, and we know
what to do; at least I do.
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:04 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
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