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Webcast 01.22.2011 State of the Union.

State of the Union

 Watch this video, before it is too late fo you !

LaRouche Webcast: September 8, 2009

Lyndon H LaRouche Jr. delivers a historic webcast as we approach the year end breakdown phase of the economic system.

LaRouche delivers a final ultimatum to Obama, and details what the needed solutions are to halt this economic breakdown crisis.


The Nazi Hydra in America

Glen Yeadon is co-author of 'The Nazi Hydra in America' (2008).

"With the Bush administration's disregard for human rights and the ban on nuclear testing, it is cause for alarm to find Cold Spring Harbor firmly controlled by the same families involved in the American eugenics movements. Current directors William Gerry and Allen Dulles Jebsen are the grandsons of Averell Harriman and Allen Dulles, respectively. When such policies and organizations slip under the control of families like the Bushes and the Rockefellers they can be used as modern-day weapons of genocide."

The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century
Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins

Exposes how US plutocrats launched Hitler, then recouped Nazi assets to lay the postwar foundations of a modern police state. Fascists won WWII because they ran both sides. Includes a blow-by-blow account of the fascist takeover


State of the Union Address 2011

Lynon Laouche presents your morning overview, with a focus on international developments.


FULL Version: http://larouchepac.com/node/17167

David Icke - Rise Like Lions (We are many, they are few)

David Icke - Rise Like Lions (We are many, they are few)



Dópiđ í Afghanistan og Nato !




George Soros Nailed In Dope Banking.

George Soros, chief funder and controller of the campaign to legalize narcotics, has been caught in the banking network that launders the criminal proceeds of dope sales.

An EIR investigation has uncovered the British-agent billionaire's hand in Colombian and related drug banking, beginning in 1994, when Soros employed his vast offshore funds to shore up the Cali cocaine cartel and its allies against a determined U.S. government effort to shut down the dope.

In January 1994, the Colombian government sold a 75% stake in the Banco de Colombia to Soros's henchmen, the Cali, Colombia-based Gilinski family—Isaac Gilinski and his son Jaime Gilinski, for $432 million. Banco de Colombia had long been identified by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration as under the control of Colombian drug traffickers, for money laundering, in conjunction with the Eagle National Bank of Miami, Florida.

Then in May 1994, the Gilinskis applied to the Colombian government for permission to sell just over 9% of the Banco de Colombia. In August 1994, Soros himself invested an estimated $70 to $80 million to become minority owner with a 9% stake. His man Jaime Gilinski was chairman; Gilinski also acquired the dope cartel's Eagle National Bank in south Florida.

Four years later, Russia's Argumenty i Fakty, one of the world's largest-circulation papers, reported (February 18, 1998) on the Gilinskis and the Colombian mafia using billions in cocaine revenue to buy up Russian resort properties, trading cocaine for automatic weapons and surface-to-air missiles that went to narcoterrorists inside Colombia.

Reporter Aleksandr Kondrashov wrote that Russian and Colombian security services were cooperating, and had given out "the valuable information on how the Colombian clan of drug baron Gilinski, is laundering dirty narco-dollars in our country, buying up resorts of Crimea and Russia through figureheads"; and that about $2 billion was estimated to be put into Russia that year, 1998, from cocaine profits.

The report was elaborated on by Dr. Phil Williams of the Strategic Studies Institute at the United States Army War College:

"The Colombian Gilinski family was using drug profits to buy resort property in the Crimea and Russia, and reportedly hired Armenian and Chechen hit men to remove members of Slavic crime groups opposing their activities." (See "Cooperation Among Criminal Organizations," by Dr. Williams, in Transnational Organized Crime and International Security, 2002.)

The international banking axis that had been taken over by Soros and his Gilinskis, was bluntly identified in a Public Broadcasting System broadcast Oct. 4, 2000, by Carlos Toro, an informant for the Drug Enforcement Agency who helped put Colombian mafia boss Carlos Lehder and others in jail, and then went into the U.S. Federal Witness Protection Program.



 Yes, The Queen Pushes Dope.

Obama Backs Down: A Victory in the Worldwide Fight Against T4 Euthanasia

LPAC has received official confirmation that the Obama Administration is withdrawing the death-counseling regulation that it attempted to sneak in by fiat, after a similar provision known as Section 1233 was rejected by Congress last year.

This limited but important victory, comes as the world-wide fight against Hitler's T4 program and its modern revival is intensifying. In recent days, LPAC has reported on the discovery of mass graves of victims of the original T4 program at an Austrian state hospital, the creation of a website in Germany dedicated explicitly to the memory of the victims of the Nazi T4 program, the fight in France against proposed euthanasia legislation, and the growing fight in the United States against Obamacare's "death panels."

In an online story this morning, the New York Times cited unnamed Obama Administration officials, saying that they will revise the Medicare regulation issued in November on end-of-life death counseling. Calling this an "abrupt shift," the Times noted that while officials give "procedural" reasons for changing the regulation, political concerns were also a factor. "The renewed debate over advance care planning threatened to become a distraction to administration officials who were gearing up to defend the health law against attack by the new Republican majority in the House," said the Times.

These "procedural" reasons undoubtedly centered on the fact that the Section 1233 provision was not in the draft regulations when they were published for public comment in July, but it was contained in the final regulations published on November 29 — a highly-irregular procedure. As LPAC and EIR have reported, two euthanasia enthusiasts, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) sent a letter to Obama's man in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Sir Donald Berwick, in August, and Blumenauer surreptitiously reported to his cronies in early November that death counseling would be in the final regulation to be made public later in the month.

Nonetheless, LPAC warns that the fight against Obama's "useless eaters" policy is far from over, and will not be completed until Obama is removed from office. The Obamacare bill and the regulations implementing it are based on the Hitlerian premise behind Hitler's T4 program, that there are "lives unworthy of life" which must be eliminated for cost reasons. Thus it is full of measures aimed at cutting off medical treatment for the sick and elderly, under the guise of "quality outcomes," "value-based purchasing," "comparative effectiveness research," and of course the biggest "death panel" of all: the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).

Even death-counseling is still deeply embedded in the Medicare program. It remains part of the initial, "welcome-to-Medicare" examination, and it is included in Medicare's Physician Quality Reporting System, under which physicians are "incentivized" according to the percentage of patients who execute "advance care directives," such as living wills and "DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Orders" authorizing withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment.

New Nazi-Era Graves of Hitler's T-4 Euthanasia Victims Found in Austria

Hundreds of Nazi-era graves found at an Austrian state hospital will be exhumed to see if any are victims of Hitler's T-4 euthanasia program, where patients deemed unworthy to live were murdered. The discovery is a timely reminder of what President Obama's Nazi-inspired health-care program's death committees will bring if he is not thrown out of office. The discovery comes only days after Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued her statement "Operation Euthanasia-Never Again."

Some 220 bodies were found in a state hospital cemetery during a construction project in Hall, near the Tyrolean capital, Innsbruck. Since they had been buried between 1942 and 1944, suspicions were raised that they were victims of the T-4 euthanasia campaign.

Officials told a news conference that a panel of experts would oversee the two-year project to identify the dead from hospital records and genetic samples. A Reuters story appearing in today's Irish Times reports, "Nazi Germany, which annexed Austria in 1938, introduced mass killings of the physically and mentally handicapped in an effort to eradicate people deemed inferior. Thousands in Austria died in gas chambers at the Hartheim Castle euthanasia center near Linz. At least 360 patients from the hospital in Hall were sent to their deaths before the so-called T4 euthanasia program officially ended in August 1941, ushering in a new phase in which victims died from neglect, hunger or drug overdoses."

Historian Dr. Oliver Seifert told Reuters, "This phase of 'wild euthanasia' between 1942 and 1945 has really been examined in just a cursory way," Dr. Seifert said. "This is certainly a first step and a good opportunity to see what happened here and how to view it. We know that active killing went on at other institutions in Austria."

The hospital cemetery in Hall might have been opened in 1942 as part of plans — never realized — to set up its own euthanasia station, deputy medical director Christian Haring said.

"This dark chapter of history must now be carefully examined and cleared up," provincial Governor Guenther Platter told the Austria Press Agency, saying he was deeply shaken by the discovery

Obama's Useless Eaters Program

After the LPAC exposé and public outcry concerning Obama's Nazi T4-inspired healthcare bill, the legislation was modified to exclude the infamous Section 1233, which became popularly referred to as the "Death Panel" section. Now, it is back. Obama has snuck it in as a "regulation," which will go into effect January 1st. We republish the following May 2009 video to remind viewers of the ugly truth about monetary policy. We republish the following May 2009 video to remind viewers of the ugly truth about monetary policy.


 Dr Deagle Show 101229 - HARLEY SCHLANGER


EIR's Anton Chaitkin Intervenes, Obama Team on the Defensive

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Amazing Iceland and Icesave

Global politics review. Monetary System Change. NEW Hamiltonian Credit System, before we descend to New Dark Age. USA/GLOBAL HAMILTONIAN CREDIT SYSTEM NOW !


Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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