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London Makes It Official: British Agency Buys Up Unit Managing Obama And Blair

Sir Martin Sorrell's WPP Group announced December 30 they have acquired Blue State Digital (BSD), the Washington- and London-based firm that has long managed political operations for Barack Obama and Britain's Tony Blair.

BSD, created in 2004 as a small Internet strategy unit, was lifted into prominence in 2006 by George Soros, the British empire oligarch. Soros hired BSD to manage his Web-based projects, simultaneously launching then-Senator Obama's Presidential campaign by vetting Obama for the Wall Street-London financier axis.

The British tested BSD in 2007 by having the firm run the campaign of John Cruddas (the Fabian Socialist Blairite Member of Parliament) to be Deputy Leader of the Labour Party.

Blue State Digital became famous for running online fundraising operations for Obama's Presidential campaign. The agency somehow took in $500 million for the campaign, in many respects untraceably. The Blair/Fabian circle ran joint operations with the Obama campaign through such Soros agencies as the Center for American Progress.

Sir Martin Sorell's London-based advertising and political management agency WPP also had their hand in the campaign: WPP executive Mark Penn was Hillary Clinton's treacherous, saboteur campaign manager until she fired him in April, 2008, for running a WPP public relations campaign on behalf of a free-trade treaty that she opposed. Penn's boss Martin Sorrell, who has now bought the Obama shop BSD, had been a leader of the 1979 propaganda campaign on behalf of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's privatization schemes.

- BSD (Blair Swallows Democrats) -

In December, 2008, following Britain's triumph in the election of Obama to the U.S. Presidency, BSD set up a London office as the base for the company's worldwide operations. The Fabian Society immediately published a book called The Change We Need: What Britain Can Learn from Obama's Victory, celebrating the Blue State-led electronic political culture of the Obama campaign as the wave of the future, with a chapter written by Blairite Matthew, head of BSD's London office.

BSD took over management of Internet operations for Tony Blair. He was by then retired as Prime Minister, but deeply involved in setting President Obama's agendas for perpetual war and bailout of the collapsing London-Wall Street financial system.

BSD created and ran Blair's Web-based enterprises including his personal office for all public interventions, the Blair Faith Foundation ("for Faith and Globalization"), the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative, the Tony Blair Sports Foundation, and the former Prime Minister's office for political campaigning on behalf of the Labour Party.

At the same time, now as Blair's personal agency, BSD converted its Obama election campaign enterprise into President Obama's Organizing for America, with BSD running this political outreach initiative on behalf of the Democratic National Committee.

As an arm of British control over U.S. politics, Blue State Digital was also assigned to manage a British Intelligence front called Searchlight, used in propaganda and legal attacks against Lyndon LaRouche. Now growing under BSD's trackless money and contact regime, Searchlight was originally an instrument of the East German Stasi secret police. Searchlight was overhauled by the British secret services reportedly through their connections to the owner of the Searchlight magazine, Gerry Gable. Searchlight has especially attacked the LaRouche campaign against the British-run global narcotics trade.

Recently the U.K. Conservative Party asked for an official investigation into Blair's use of data-mining and e-mail lists, taken in by Blue State Digital and apparently amalgamated from contacts through Blair "charities" and political agencies.


My Christmas Greeting

By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

It is Christmas in a year in which all nations which are part of the continents on both sides of the Atlantic ocean, now, like those of other divisions, share the most terrible threat to nations and their peoples which has been known since that last great holocaust of Europe in a time known today as that Fourteenth-century "New Dark Age," a holocaust of evil which wiped Europe of a fairly estimated one-third of its population.

Today, Christians will pray that this new dark age be taken away, but is mankind a mere animal who lacks that unifying power of creative will, to act to remove the evil of usury which none but that mankind itself has brought upon itself? A people which will not act to remove this evil, therefore brings evil, by its own choice, upon itself.

We must act now, to wipe away that monstrous cancer of torture and death of billions of human beings on this planet, an evil presently escalating throughout this planet. In past centuries men and women spoke of ejecting the money-changers from the temple; today it must be the ejection of the usurers from the institutions of the world's governments.



Those of us in the United States of America, have in our hands, if not yet in their minds, the clear, uncomplicated mission of following the precedent of a Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and co-designer of our Federal Constitution, Alexander Hamilton, and of President Franklin Roosevelt's role in the institution of that Glass-Steagall law, which turned back not only the United States, but much of the world, from the virtual gates of usury's Hell. Today, it is that same Glass-Steagall law without which the United States, among other nations, is now surely at the verge of a Hell beyond even the imagination of most. It is a Hell which threatens the entirety of the trans-Atlantic regions of the world, a Hell from which the Asian world is not secure.

The people of the United States must compel their lawful representatives to use a re-enacted Glass-Steagall as the occasion to save the very existence of the states which have composed the United States from a virtual, almost immediate plunge into Hell. However, the same people of the United States have the power to launch the greatest advance in the human condition which the world had ever known, by measures in support of a designed program, NAWAPA, whose design requires the rapid employment of a program which would increase employment in the United States and its neighbors by four millions persons, and would provide the lever for the benefit of the nations of every continent of this planet, and even beyond.

Do you wish to pray? Then, pray that the cowardice be removed from within your selves, that you might rise to make that happen which must be done. Remove the Hellish grip of a vast, global holocaust of usury from our suffering world.

Frost over the World - Julian Assange

The WikiLeaks founder talks about secrets, leaks and why he will not go back to Sweden.




Inter-Alpha Grabs for 8% of Ireland's GDP

The Inter-Alpha Banking Group's savage four-year plan for Ireland, announced yesterday by soon-to-be ex-Prime Minister Brian Cowen, will mean that fully eight percent of Irish GDP will be diverted from the Irish economy,— mostly from the subsistence of pensioners, the unemployed, and workers and farmers,— to a futile attempt to rescue Inter-Alpha from bankruptcy. The plan Cowen announced would "save" 15 billion euro over four years, or 4% of Irish GDP, on top of 14.8 billion in similar "savings" wrung from depression-racked Ireland by five separate such "packages" rammed through over the past two years.

The Irish who won their freedom and their sovereignty from Brutish imperialism on the American model after centuries of struggle, are not about to put up with this now.

The package includes cutting social welfare by 3 billion euro, reducing public sector pay by 1.2 billion euro and increasing the VAT national sales tax.

The four-year plan warned that the drastic cuts will negatively impact on the living standards of the people of Ireland. Indeed!

Most of the 45% hitherto considered too poor to pay income tax, will now have to pay it.

Public Service pensions will be cut an average of 4% for current pensioners; new hires will have a 10% cut in wages.

The minimum wage will be cut by one euro to 7.65 euro, or 12%.

VAT will increase 1% to 22% in 2013 and to 23% in 2014, a 9% increase.

The public sector workforce will be cut by 24,750, and student fees will increase to 2,000 euro for each year in college.

Water metering will be brought in by 2014, and carbon tax charges will double to 30 euro a tonne, raising 330 million euro.

The Irish will pay an annual tax on their homes for the first time, starting at a minimum level of 100 euro.

One World Government Countdown Nov. 20th 2010

Rothschild's bankrupt Inter-Alpha Group, now controlling 70% of the worlds banking functions is about to either go under, or take over the other thirty percent, and gain complete control over all nations on the planet. China is not the problem the British (Rothschild) monetary system is the problem.


The Ides of March.


Lyndon LaRouche delivers one of his most important addresses to a live international audience. View this to watch history being made 


What is Empire?

Lyndon LaRouche: April 28, 2009 LPACTV International Webcast


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Amazing Iceland and Icesave

Global politics review. Monetary System Change. NEW Hamiltonian Credit System, before we descend to New Dark Age. USA/GLOBAL HAMILTONIAN CREDIT SYSTEM NOW !


Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson
Birgir Rúnar Sæmundsson

Interested in global politics, and survival of mankind and planet.

Supporter of the Constitution of United States of America.

Devoted enemy of the City of London, Brutish Empire.


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